Film: "42,000"

’42,000'' is an experimental film depicting typical patterns in the various phases of our collective human experience, specifically showing the interplay of the expectations of society and the desire for unique personal expression. Many internal conflicts arise in the fight to reconcile these two forces. Freedom is finally achieved by renouncing material life. Blah, blah, blah… Whoever wants to tell us anything about life and its meaning is wrong by definition. Even modern science is not able to explain the most obvious fact that everything we perceive is only possible due to our ability to observe it. It seems to be intrinsic to our existence that we are not allowed to find the final answer to the most basic question of life, ‘what is consciousness’.
The intention of the movie is to address this great mystery, by presenting the visual material of the film in a very atypical fashion, manipulating the synchronicity of events by changing the underlying time base and by real time adjustment of brightness and color. The uniqueness of the film lies in the sound track, which is composed entirely from an indirect relationship to the images themselves using advanced computer software techniques.
The message is ‘it is all an illusion but is at the same time our reality’.